Maxis is known for putting eastereggs in their games and Spore is no different. In the Creature Creator, when you spin the galaxy around, the head of Will Wright appears!
Read more here: Kotaku.com
New interview |
3 September |
Seed Magazine had a very long interview with Will Wright. They start out with Spore but soon they wonder off to many other subjects. Below a part:
"Basically replace the magic with science, because I think science is every bit as magic as any magic. I never really like fantasy books for that reason. I was never a big Tolkien fan. I always felt that magic kind of removed the drama from a story because magic could do anything; there were no limitations."
Read the interview here: Seed Magazine
Thanks to Sim Programs for the find!
The official UK Sims site brings the news that tomorrow, September 3, Will Wright is visiting the Uk. You can get your Spore copy signed by the creator himself!
Check this news here: Thesims.co.uk
Talk at Vancouver Art Gallery |
23 August |
A few days ago, I wrote that Wright was having a talk at the Vancouver Art Gallery. He talked about the abstraction of gaming, film envy and many, many other things. Gamasutra has written down almost this whole talk.
Check it here: Gamasutra article
Wright in Spore trailer |
20 August |
Here's a nice Spore trailer where Will Wright explains the game throughout all the different game stages.
Check it out here: Actiontrip.com
The Will Wright minute |
19 August |
Gaming Today brings the news about The Will Wright minute. G4TV.com give Will Wright a minute to talk about some of his interests. 2 movies have been made already. In the first, he talks about a Russian Space station (One of his hobbies) and the 2nd is about 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Check the movies here: Minute 1 - Minute 2
June 4th, Wright spoke at the Vancouver Art Gallery. But before that event, the Vancouver Sun had a little talk with him. He speaks about focus groups (how he hates those), and about the games industry in general.
Check the article here: Vancouver Sun
For those that missed the news on Snooty Sims, Will Wright gave a big interview on News.com. He talks about Spore, The Sims series and much more.
Read it here: News.com
Ask Will questions |
16 August |
First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of news. There was a massive amount of news for the Snooty Sims site (as well as lots of behind the screens work) and there just wasn't enough time to update. But now the Sims news has slowed down a bit, I will start updating again. To prevent 1 huge update, I will just update this site every day with one newspost.
To start off with something interesting, Gamedaily gives the chance for you to ask Will Wright questions. The 10 most interesting will be given to Will.
Check all the info here: Game Daily
Thanks to Sim Programs for the find.
Rockpapershotgun.com posted a very big interview with Will Wright. In it, he talks about how the development about The Sims game went.
Find it here: Rockpapershotgun.com
Congratulations to Will Wright as January 20 he turned 48!
New interview |
20 February |
IconEye had an interview with Wright where he talks about people that inspired him by his game creation. Also he talks about user-generated content and how important that is in his games.
Read it here: Iconeye.com
Wright made several talks at the GDC. The following talk does not concern Spore but here he talks about a lot of different things, like James Bond, Star Wars, Sims, etc. He even talks about his childhood where he mentioned he was really scared of Godzilla.
Watch the talk here: Podtech.net
A small site update. There is now a news archive where the older newsposts are being placed. For now, all the news from 2006 and before is placed there.
- News archive
A new addition to the Hobbies section, namely books. Maybe an odd subject but books are a very important part in Wright's life.
Check it here: Books
It is of some weeks ago, but Gamespot posted a very interesting video interview with Will Wright. He talks about the very beginning; his youth, education and how he started in games.
Watch it here: Gamespot interview
Will Wright: Curator? |
10 April |
Kotaku brings the news that Will Wright has signed on for co-curator for an upcoming museum exhibition in Vancouver. This exhibition will show the worlds of anima, comics and video games. Wright will also show a Spore preview there.
Read more about it here: Kotaku article
Will Wright speaks at NASA |
11 April |
Another article on Wright from Kotaku; He will speak at NASA's upcoming Yuri's Night Celebration in the Bay Area this Saturday. This Yuri's Night is an annual celebration of space exploration.
Read more about it here: Kotaku article
A challenge with Spore |
20 April |
Yahoo posted a small article about some of the problems Wright had to overcome with Spore. Here's a quote from the article:
"It is more of a social experiment," Wright said. "Science, economics, sociology, things like that are very fun to simulate in the computer."
Find the article here: Yahoo article
The Guardian had an interview with Will Wright where they talk about Spore but also a bit about his past:
"My focus started shifting more and more to players, and what they were doing," he says, "Because I found that fundamentally as interesting, or more interesting, than the actual games [was] parallel play. Sitting and looking at what someone else has done with the same game as you is fundamentally interesting to me."
Check the interview here: Guardian interview